The University of Dar es Salaam invites applications for admission into its postgraduate programmes for the 2011/2012
Academic Year.
Minimum Admission Requirements
1. Postgraduate Diploma
At least a Bachelors Degree, Advanced Diploma or its equivalent from a recognized institution of higher learning.
Candidates with equivalent qualifications must also possess at least Secondary School Certificates with credit passes.
Duration - one academic year - 12 months.
2. Master's Degree
(i) An honours Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualifications. Applicants who hold unclassified degrees (e.g. B.V.
Sc. M.D. etc.) should have a credit or distinction in the subject of the intended Master's programme. Candidates
with Pass degrees will also be considered if:-
a) Their undergraduate performance in the proposed subject of study was a ‘B’ grade or above.
b) They have satisfied the relevant School/College/Institute that they have exhibited potential through
subsequent research experience and/or additional training.
(ii) An Advanced Diploma from a recognized higher learning institution with a minimum of an upper second class
PLUS Postgraduate Diploma and Secondary school Certificate
(iii) A recognized professional qualification (CPA, CSP, ACCA, CA, CIB, MCIM, CMA) PLUS a Secondary
School Certificate
3. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree
Possession of a relevant Master's degree from any recognized university. All programmes are by thesis alone, except for
programmes in Economics, Political Science and Public Administration which are offered by coursework and dissertation.
The duration of Ph.D. programmes is three years for full-time candidates and five years for part-time candidates. The
duration of Ph. D by Coursework and dissertation is four years.
Application forms are available at the respective Colleges/Schools and also can be accessed electronically from our
website: . Applications should be addressed to the Director of Postgraduate Studies.
MBA EVERNING PROGRAMME: Deadline for Application is on April 30, 2011
ALL OTHER PROGRAMMES: Deadline for Application is on May 16, 2011
Application Fee: Non refundable
Degree Programme Local Students (Tshs.) Foreign Students (US $)
Application fee for Masters and Postgraduate Diploma 20,000 20
Application fee for PhD 30,000 30
For further information please contact respective College Principals or Deans of Schools or The Director of Postgraduate
Studies, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35091, Dar es Salaam Tel: 255 22 2410500 – 9 Ext. 2010 or 2017/ Direct
Line: 255 22 2410069 or 255 22 2410016 Fax: 255 22 2410078 / E-mail:
For additional information regarding graduate programmes offered at the University of Dar es Salaam, please visit our
The University of Dar es Salaam invites applications to its postgraduate programmes in a wide range
of disciplines for the 2011/2012 academic year.
Postgraduate Diploma
Minimum Admission Requirements:-
(i) At least a Bachelors Degree, Advanced Diploma or its equivalent from a recognized
institution of higher learning.
(ii) Candidates with equivalent qualifications must also possess at least secondary school
certificates with credit passes.
Duration - one academic year – 9-12 months.
Master's Degree
The University of Dar es Salaam offers Master's Degree of two types:
- Masters by Coursework and Dissertation
Duration - 18 - 24 months.
- Masters by Thesis
Duration - 24 months.
The minimum admission requirements are as follows:
1. Possession of an honours bachelor's degree or equivalent qualifications.
2. Applicants who hold unclassified degrees (e.g. B.V. Sc. M.D. etc.) should have a credit
or distinction in the subject of the intended Master's programme.
3. Candidates with Pass degree classification will also be considered if:-
c) Their undergraduate performance in the proposed subject of study was a ‘B’
grade or above.
d) They have satisfied the relevant College/School/Institute that they have
exhibited potential through subsequent research experience and/or additional
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree
Minimum Admission Requirements
Possession of a relevant Master's degree from any accredited university. All programmes except
Economics, Political Science and Public Administration are by research followed by writing of a thesis.
Additional requirements for each programme are given under the respective
Duration - 3 years by thesis and 4 years by coursework and dissertation.
i) Department of Political Science and Public Administration: Offers two Master of Arts
(M.A.) programmes; M.A. (Public Administration) and M.A. (Political Science)
Entrance Qualifications for M.A. Programme by Coursework and/or by thesis
(a) Holders of an honors degree from a recognized or accredited university or an
equivalent from another approved University, or any institution of higher learning
within and outside Tanzania, and recognized by Tanzania Commission for
Universities (TCU).
(b) Graduates of UDSM must have a G.P.A. of 3.5 for male applicants, 3.3 for female.
Applicants from upcoming universities must have a First Class honours degree.
(c) Applicants with a pass degree may be considered if they have Postgraduate
Diploma in Political Science from a recognized institution of higher learning.
(ii) Department of Sociology: Offers Master Degree in Sociology by Thesis as well as
Coursework and Dissertation. The programme is offered in 4 main areas of specialization:
Social Welfare and Administration, Rural Development, Urban Sociology and Relations in
Labour Law.
Entrance Qualification: in addition to the above general qualifications, this program accepts
students with a background in Sociology or Anthropology.
(iii) Master of Arts by Coursework and Dissertation Degree programme in other
S/N Department Programme
1 Geography M.A. (Geography)
2 Statistics M.A. (Statistics)
3 History & Archaeology M.A. (History) , M.A (Archaeology)
4 Fine and Performing Arts M.A. (Fine Arts), M.A (Music) & M.A. (Theatre)
5 Foreign Languages and Linguistics
together with Kiswahili
M.A. (Linguistics)
6 Demographic Training Unit (Economics,
Statistics, Geography and Sociology)
M.A. (Demography)
7 Economics M.A. (Economics)
8 University Library Services (for the
programme offered and managed under
the College of Arts and Social Sciences)
M.A. (Library and Information Studies)
(a) Regular mode
(b) Evening mode
Duration: 18 months
(iv) Master of Arts by Thesis
These programmes are available for suitably qualified candidates in all fields listed in (iii)
Duration: 24 months
(v) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - By thesis
Duration: 3 years
(vi) Ph. D. (Economics) by Coursework and Dissertation
This is a four year collaborative programme for Sub Saharan Africa. The University of Dar es
Salaam is one of the four host institutions. The First two academic years are devoted to
coursework covering compulsory training in core courses of Microeconomics,
Macroeconomics and quantitative methods plus two optional courses. Teaching of Core
courses is conducted at the University of Dar es Salaam in two semesters. Students will join
their colleagues from other host Universities at a joint facility for electives in Nairobi. After the
coursework, students will get prepared for comprehensive examinations. During the third and
fourth academic years, students will work on their research proposals, research work, writing
dissertations, presentations and viva voce examination.
vii) PhD in Political Science and Public Administration - by Coursework and
The Department of Political Science and Public Administration offers two distinct Ph.D.
programmes by coursework and dissertation: One in Political Science and the other in Public
Administration. These are four year programmes. The first two academic years are devoted to
coursework covering compulsory training in core courses and elective courses. After
successful completion (and pass) of coursework, students will get prepared for comprehensive
examinations. During the third and fourth academic years, students will work on their research
proposals, research work, writing dissertations, presentations and viva voce examination.
Duration: 4 years
(i) Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) – regular programme
Minimum Admission Requirements:
A candidate must have at least a Bachelor’s degree in non education discipline, or its
equivalent from a recognized institution of higher learning.
Duration - One academic year - 12 months.
(ii) Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) – online programme
This is a Distance Mode Online Programme with few face to face sessions that will be
conducted at the University Main campus or University Computing Centres (Mwanza &
Arusha branches). Furthermore, students will access all learning materials and have online
discussions with their lecturers through a Learning Management System (LMS). Students may
access the Learning System anywhere where there is Internet connection or at UCC (Mwanza
& Arusha Branches) during week days from 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Online delivery of this
programme is coordinated and facilitated by the Centre for Virtual Learning (CVL).
Minimum Admission Requirements:
A candidate must have at least a Bachelor’s degree in any other discipline, or its equivalent
from a recognized institution of higher learning.
Duration - One academic year – 12 months.
Application forms can be obtained from the Centre for Virtual Learning located at University
of Dar es Salaam Main Campus, UDSM website:, University Computing
Center (UCC)- Mwanza Centre and University Computing Center (UCC)- Arusha Center.
For further information please contact the Director of the Centre for Virtual Learning,
University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35062, Dar es Salaam Tel: 255 22 2410500 – 9 Ext.
2010 or 2017/ Direct Line: 255 22 2410069 or : 022-2410758 E-mail:;
University Computing Centre (UCC)- Mwanza Centre Telephone: 255-28-2500815, E-mail: ); University Computing Center (UCC)- Arusha Center Telephone: 255-
27-2509469, E-mail: )
iii) Master of Arts in Education (M.A. Education) by Coursework
Minimum requirement: - First degree in education from a recognized university
- GPA of not less than 2.7
Duration: 18 Months
iv) Master of Arts in Applied Social Psychology (MAASP) by course work
Minimum requirement: - First degree
Duration: 24 Months
v) Master of Education (Science Education) (M.Ed. Science Education) by coursework
Minimum requirement: - First degree in science education (from a recognized
-teaching experience (at least two years after a Bachelor’s
‐ GPA of not less than 3.0
Duration: 18 Months
vi) Master of Educational Management and Administration (MEMA) by coursework
Minimum requirement: - First degree in education from a recognized university
‐ GPA of not less than 3.5
‐ Teaching and/or a work experience (at least two years after a
bachelor’s degree)
Duration: 18 Months
vii) Master of Arts in Education (by Thesis)
Minimum requirement: - First degree in education
‐ Long research experience
‐ GPA not less than 3.5
Duration: 24 Months
viii) Ph.D. by Thesis
Minimum requirements: - A master’s degree in education or its equivalent from a
recognized university.
Duration: 36 Months
(i) Postgraduate Diplomas
Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development,
Postgraduate Diploma in ICT Policy and Regulations
Postgraduate Diploma in Microfinance
Duration - 15 months.
For further information on the Postgraduate Diploma Programmes, please contact the Dean
of University of Dar es Salaam Business School.
(ii) Master of Business Administration (MBA)
The MBA Programme will be offered by Coursework and Dissertation. Apart from courses in
basic management techniques, students will be required to select a combination of courses in:
a) Accounting;
b) Finance;
c) Human Resource Management;
d) Marketing; and
e) Production
There are three categories of Delivery Model of MBA Programme
1. Full-time MBA
This is a (full-time) daily programme which runs in the mornings to mid-day.
Duration: 24 months.
Starting time: October 2011
2. Part time (MBA) Programme
This is an evening Programme for those who cannot attend the regular programme.
Duration:- 27 months
Starting time: July 2011
3. MBA (Executive)
This programme is offered to candidates with long working experience who have
already attained high managerial position at their respective work places. This is a
highly interactive module-based mode of offering the programme. It is offered in
twelve modules of two intensive learning weeks. The programme is suitable to
candidates who cannot afford to be away from their places of work for long periods.
Duration: 24 months
Starting time: October 2011
Entry Requirements:
The MBA programme is open to applicants with a variety of academic backgrounds,
including business management, social sciences, humanities, natural sciences,
engineering etc. The general entry requirements are:-
a) A good first degree from University of Dar es Salaam or its equivalent from
another approved University or institution of higher learning.
b) Candidates with a pass degree may be considered if;
- They have at least 5 years working experience after graduation and
- They have evidence of postgraduate training lasting at least six months
c) An Advanced Diploma from a recognized higher learning Institution with a
minimum of an upper second class PLUS Postgraduate Diploma
d) Have a recognized professional qualification (CPA, CSP, ACCA, CA, CIB,
MCIM, CMA certificate)
In addition to the above general entry requirements; students intending to join MBA
through the Executive Module need to have accumulated working experience of at least
5 years at managerial positions.
Other Masters programmes offered by the UDBS:
i) Master of International Trade (MIT),
ii) Master of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development
iii) Master of ICT Policy and Regulations.
iv) M.Sc. in International Transport and Logistics
v) Master of International Business
For further information on the Postgraduate Diploma Programmes, please contact the Dean of
University of Dar es Salaam Business School.
This programme is open to students who will demonstrate interest in conducting problem
solving/practical research on a management related topic. The programme is done by thesis
and it takes a minimum of three years.
Duration 3 years
Entry Requirements
Candidates should possess a relevant Masters degree from any recognized University.
(i) Postgraduate Diploma in Law
This will be offered in two broad categories:
(a) Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL)
Admission Requirement:
- Holder of the LL.B. degree of this University or another recognised University.
- Upgrading from PGDL to LL.M. is permissible.
(b) Specialised Postgraduate Diploma in Law (SPGDL)
Admission requirement: Holder of a degree other than an LL.B. degree
Duration: Both PGDL and SPGDL are one year (two semester) programmes involving full
time attendance.
(ii) Master of Laws (LL.M.)
Admission Requirement
Holder of an LL.B degree of the University of Dar es Salaam or an accredited University or
has satisfied the requirements for the award of such degree provided the said LL.B degree shall
be of GPA of 3.0 for LL.M by coursework and a good 1st class degree for LL.M. by thesis.
The programme will be offered under any of the following three categories:
(a) LL.M. by Coursework and Dissertation
Duration: 18 months
(b) LL.M. by thesis
Duration: 24 months
(c) Taught LL.M
Taught LL.M is a two semester programme involving full-attendance.
(iii) DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.) - By thesis
Admission Requirement
Holder of LL.M degree of the University of Dar es Salaam or equivalent of another recognised
Duration 3 years
(i) Postgraduate Diploma in Scientific Computing (PGDSC) – (Evening programme)
Admission Requirement
Holder of Bachelor’s degree or Advanced Diploma or its equivalent from a recognised
Duration: 12 months.
(ii) Master of Science (M.Sc.) By Coursework and Dissertation
(a) Chemistry Department:
• M.Sc. (Chemistry) – by Coursework and Dissertation
Duration: - 24 months
(b) M.Sc. (Physics) by Coursework and Dissertation.
Duration: - 24 months
(c) Mathematics Department
• M.Sc. (Mathematical Modeling) – by Coursework and Dissertation.
Duration: - 24 months
(d) Zoology and Wildlife Conservation Department:
• M.Sc. (Biodiversity Conservation) by Coursework and
Duration: - 24 months
Admission Requirements
i) The undergraduate performance should be in the related subject with at least B grade average.
ii) A candidate should satisfy the College with the exhibited potential knowledge in the field of
study through subsequent research experience and /or additional training.
(iii) Master of Science (M.Sc.) By Thesis
(a) Department of Chemistry
M.Sc. (Chemistry) – by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
(b) Botany Department:
M.Sc. (Botany) – by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
(c) Physics Department:
M.Sc. (Physics) by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
(d) Geology Department:
M.Sc. (Geology) – by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
(e) M.Sc. (Mathematics) – by Thesis
(f) Zoology and Wildlife Conservation Department:
M.Sc. (Zoology) – by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
M.Sc. (Applied Zoology) – by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
M.Sc. (Wildlife Science) – by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
(g) Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Department:
M.Sc. (Biotechnology) by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
M.Sc. (Molecular Biology) by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
M.Sc. (Applied Microbiology) by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
(h) Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Department:
Master of Science in Aquatic Sciences - by Thesis
Duration: - 24 months
Admission Requirements
i) The undergraduate performance should be in the related subject with at least B grade average.
ii) A candidate should satisfy the College with the exhibited potential knowledge in the field of
study through subsequent research experience and /or additional training.
This programme is available for suitably qualified candidates in any of the fields of specialization
described above. Applicants must have a good relevant Masters degree of the University of Dar es
Salaam or any other recognised University.
Duration: 36 months
(i) Postgraduate Diploma in Electronics Engineering and Information Technology (EIT) –
(Evening programme)
Duration: Two semesters
Admission Requirements:
(a) Advanced Diploma or equivalent in the relevant field of Engineering from a recognised
(b) A Pass degree in the relevant field of Engineering or Equivalent from a recognised
i M.Sc. in Computer Science by course work and dissertation Regular
ii M.Sc. in Computer Science by thesis Regular
iii M.Sc. in Health Informatics by course work and dissertation Evening
iv M.Sc. in Electronics Science and
by thesis Regular
v M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering and IT by course work and dissertation Evening
vi M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering and IT by thesis Regular
vii M.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering by course work and dissertation Evening
viii M.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering by thesis Regular
Duration: - 24 months
Admission Requirements
(a) To be eligible for admission into any M.Sc. programme, the applicant should normally
have an overall grade of B (lower second class) or higher in the B.Sc. degree subject he/she
wishes to study under the programme from University of Dar es Salaam or any other
recognized institution.
(b) A corresponding Postgraduate Diploma offered by CoICT, UDSM or any other recognized
institution may also suffice for consideration for admission into any M.Sc. programme.
(c) Admission may be based on equivalent qualifications.
Additional information for Masters of Science in Health Informatics:
Master of Science in Health Informatics is designed to develop capacity for Health
Information Systems (HIS) or informatics professionals or health managers by drawing on the
experiences and expertise of two disciplines: informatics/information technology and public
health. Therefore, applicants for admission into M.Sc. in Health Informatics are required to
have the following additional qualifications:
(a) Candidate must have a good B.Sc. degree in Informatics, Public Health, Medicine, or
related areas.
(b) Candidate must have relevant work experience.
(a) Three Masters programmes by Coursework and Dissertation offered by the Institute
starting 2011/2012 academic year. These are
• M.A. in Development Studies;
• M.A. in Development Management; and
• M.A. in Gender Studies.
Duration of the Masters Programmes by Coursework and Dissertation:
The duration of each of the programmes is 15 months.
Entry Qualifications
For admission into M.A. (DS), MA (Dev. Mgnt) and MA (Gender Studies) programme an aspirant is
required to hold:
i. Honours degree or equivalent from an accredited higher education institution.
ii. For candidates who hold unclassified degree, they must have at least an overall B grade.
iii. The General Entry qualifications for Master’s studies of the University of Dar es Salaam
will apply.
(b) Master of Arts in Development Studies (M.A DS) by Thesis
Upper second class bachelor’s degree from the University of Dar es Salaam or its equivalent
from any recognised University or institution of higher learning.
Duration: 24 months
(i) Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication
Entrance Requirements
A good Bachelor’s degree and above (i.e. Masters, M.Phil. and Ph.D.) from a recognised
A good Advanced Diploma in any field.
i. Master of Science in Natural Resource Assessment and Management – (M.Sc. NARAM)
by Coursework and Dissertation
Duration: 18 Months
Admission Requirements
The minimum admission requirements for this programme are as follows:
1. Possession of a good Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent in the following areas: Science,
Agriculture, Botany, Zoology, Forestry, Arts and Social Sciences (e.g. Geography,
Population Studies, Statistics, Economics, etc.).
2. Applicants who hold unclassified bachelor’s degrees should have a credit or distinction in
the subjects related to this Master’s programme.
3. Candidates with pass degrees will also be considered if:
a) Their undergraduate performance in the subjects related to the programme was a “B”
grade or above.
b) They have satisfied the Institute that they have exhibited potential through subsequent
field experience and/or additional training in the relevant subjects.
4. Computer literacy will be an added advantage.
5. Applicants should give names of three referees (at least two of whom should be of reputable
academic/professional standing).
ii. Ph.D. Programme (By Thesis)
Duration: 36 Months
(i) M.Sc. (Marine Sciences) by Thesis
Duration: 24 Months
Admission Requirements:
The minimum admission requirement for this programme is the possession of an upper second
class B.Sc. degree from the University of Dar es Salaam or its equivalent (from a recognized
university) in the relevant field.
(ii) M.Sc. (Marine Sciences) by Coursework and Dissertation
Duration: 24 Months
Admission Requirements:
The minimum admission requirement for this programme is the possession of a lower second class
or higher B.Sc. degree from the University of Dar es Salaam or its equivalent (from a recognized
university) and relevant to marine and coastal resources management.
(iii) Ph.D. by Thesis
Duration: 36 Months
Admission Requirements:
The minimum admission requirement for this programme is the possession of an M.Sc. degree
from the University of Dar es Salaam or its equivalent (from a recognized university).
Shahada ya Uzamili (M.A) Katika Kiswahili
Maombi yanakaribishwa toka kwa wenye sifa za kujiunga na Progarmu ya Masomo ya Shahada
ya Uzamili katika Kiswahili, inayotarajiwa kuanza mwezi Oktoba, 2011. Waombaji wa kike
wenye sifa wanahimizwa watume maombi kwa wingi.
Malengo ya Programu:
Kuandaa wataalamu watakaofundisha Kiswahili katika vyuo vya elimu ya juu; Kuandaa
wataalamu wa Kiswahili watakaofanya kazi katika vyombo vya habari, tasnia ya uchapishaji,
idara za serikali, mashirika ya kimataifa pamoja na maeneo mengine yanayohitaji wataalamu wa
aina hiyo; Kuandaa wanafunzi watakaojiunga na mafunzo ya uzamivu (PhD) katika Isimu na
Fasihi ya Kiswahili; Kuandaa magwiji wa uandishi wa kubuni, tafsiri, ukalimani na utungaji wa
Wale wote wenye raghba katika Isimu, Fasihi na Utamaduni wa Kiswahili na ambao wamehitimu
shahada zao za kwanza katika nyanja za Isimu na/au Fasihi
Muda wa Mafunzo
Kama ilivyo kwa kozi nyingine za Uzamili zinazotolewa na Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,
muda wa mafunzo kwa kozi hii utakuwa miezi 18.
Lugha ya Mafunzo
Lugha itakayotumika katika mafunzo ya Programu hii itakuwa Kiswahili.
Sifa za kudahiliwa
Shahada ya kwanza ya Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam au ya Chuo Kingine kilichothibitishwa na
Tume ya Vyuo Vikuu vya Tanzania (TUT). Sifa ya chini kabisa ya kudahiliwa kwa mwombaji ni
ufaulu katika shahada ya kwanza wa kiwango cha daraja la pili cha wastani wa wakia (GPA) ya
3.0. Aidha ufaulu katika masomo ya isimu na fasihi yaliyochukuliwa katika shahada ya kwanza
wa wastani wa wakia 3.5
Namna ya Uombaji
1. Wale wote wenye sifa na ambao wangependa kuomba kudahiliwa wachukue fomu katika
Taasisi ya Taaluma za Kiswahili, Jengo la Kiswahili, Chumba namba 208.
2. Fomu za kuombea udahili zinapatikana pia katika tovuti ya Taasisi ya Taaluma za
(i) Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Engineering, PGD (Eng) with specialization in one of
the following areas
Water Resources Engineering;
Structural Engineering;
Transportation Engineering
ii) Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, PGD (Eng) with specialization in
one of the following areas: Energy Engineering or Production Engineering
iii) Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Management, (PGDEM) (Evening programme)
iv) Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Management, (PGDEM) – (Online programme
v) Postgraduate Diploma in Chemical and Process Engineering, PGD (Eng)
vi) Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Engineering, PGD (Eng)
vii) Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical Power Engineering (Evening programme)
Entrance Requirements
Entrance requirements into PGD programmes are:
Advanced Diploma or its equivalent in Engineering / Applied Sciences in the relevant field
from a recognized institution.
A Pass degree in Engineering/Applied Sciences in the relevant field from a recognized
(a) Masters by Coursework and Dissertation
(i) Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering, MSc. (WRE)
(ii) Master of Science in Highway Engineering, MSc. (HE)
(iii) Master of Science in Structural Engineering, MSc. (STE)
(iv) Master of Science in Construction Management, MSc. (CM)
(v) Master of Integrated Water Resources Management (MIWRM)
(vi) Master of Integrated Sanitation Management (MISM)
(vi) Master of Science in Production Engineering (P
(vii) Master of Science in Energy Engineering, MSc. (EN)
(viii) Master of Science in Renewable Energy
(ix) Master of Engineering Management (MEM) (Fulltime/Evening programmes)
[Multidisciplinary] with specialization in 3 possible areas:
1. Industrial and Information Technology Management
2. Techno-entrepreneurship
3. Project Management
xi) Master of Science in Integrated Environmental Management (MIEM)
[Multidisciplinary Programmes]
xii) Master of Science in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (Evening programme)
xiii) Master of Science in Power Systems and High Voltages (Evening programme)
xiv) Master of Engineering Management (MEM) – (Online programme)
MEM and PGDEM Online; These are Distance Mode Online Programmes with few face
to face sessions that will be conducted at University Main campus and at University
Computing Centres (Mwanza & Arusha branches). Furthermore students will access all
learning materials and have online discussions with their lecturers through a Learning
Management System (LMS). Students may access the Learning System anywhere where
there is Internet connection or at UCC (Mwanza & Arusha Branches) during week days
from 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Delivery of these programmes is coordinated and facilitated by the
Centre for Virtual Learning (CVL).
Application forms can be obtained from the Centre for Virtual Learning located at
University of Dar es Salaam Main Campus, UDSM website:, University
Computing Center (UCC)- Mwanza Centre and University Computing Center (UCC)-
Arusha Center. For further information please contact the Director of the Center for Virtual
Learning, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35062, Dar es Salaam Tel: 255 22
2410500 – 9 Ext. 2010 or 2017/ Direct Line: 255 22 2410069 or : 022-2410758 E-mail: University Computing Center (UCC)- Mwanza Centre Telephone: 255-
28-2500815, E-mail:, University Computing Center (UCC)- Arusha
Center Telephone: 255-27-2509469, E-mail:
Entrance Requirements:
A Lower Second Class or higher Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, Chemical and
Process Engineering, Electrical Engineering and, Mechanical Engineering from the University
of Dar es Salaam or any other recognized institution.
A corresponding Postgraduate Diploma offered by College of Engineering and Technology of
the University of Dar es Salaam or any other recognized institution.
For admission into the Master of Engineering Management programme holders of Lower
Second Bachelor Degrees in Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Transport Management, Architecture,
Town Planning, Land Surveying, Quantity Surveying, Building Economics, Information
Technology, Computer Studies, Electronics Science, Statistics and other applied sciences may
also be considered.
For admission into the Master of Integrated Environmental Management, Master of
Integrated Water Resources Management and Master of Integrated Sanitation
Management programmes holders of Lower Second Bachelor Degrees in any Engineering
discipline will be considered.
Duration: 24 months for M.Sc. programmes and 18 months for non M.Sc. programmes.
This programme is available for suitably qualified candidates in any of the fields of specialization
described above.
Duration: 24 months
This programme is available for suitably qualified candidates in any of the fields of specialization
described above. Applicants must have a good relevant Masters degree of the University of Dar es
Salaam or of any other recognised University.
Applications (including referees’ reports put in sealed and signed envelopes) should be addressed
Director of Postgraduate Studies
University of Dr es Salaam
P.O. Box 35091
Please contact the respective academic unit for further details of specific academic programme. The
following are the addresses of the Principals of Colleges, Deans of Schools and Directors of
Taasisi ya Taaluma za Kiswahili
Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam
S.L.P. 35110
Principal, College of Arts and Social Sciences
P.O. Box 35051, Dar es Salaam.
University of Dar es Salaam Business School (UDBS)
P.O. Box 35046, Dar es Salaam.
E-mail: ;
School of Education
P.O. Box 35048. Dar es Salaam.
College of Engineering and Technology (CoET)
P. O. Box 35131, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
E-mail: principalcoet
College of Natural and Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 35064, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Email: principal
College of Information and Communication Technologies
P.O. Box 35091, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
School of Law (Formerly Faculty of Law)
P.O. Box 35093, Dar es Salaam.
The Director,
Institute of Development Studies
P.O. Box 35169, Dar es Salaam.
The Dean,
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
P.O. Box 4067, Dar es Salaam.
Institute of Marine Sciences,
P.O. Box 668, Zanzibar - Tanzania
Application Fee: Applicants will be required to pay a non-refundable application fee as
i) Masters Degrees and Postgraduate Diploma:
T.shs. 20,000/= for Tanzania applicants or US$ 20 for Non- Tanzanian applicants.
ii) Ph.D. degree:
Tshs. 30,000/= for Tanzanian applicants and US$ 30 for non-Tanzanian applicants.
Application fees should be paid through the bank as follows: Bank name: NBC Bank, Mlimani
A/C Name: University of Dar es Salaam. A/C Number: 040103001709.
Referees' Report
Applicants should give names of three referees (at least two of whom should be of reputable
academic/professional standing). Referees should be urged to fill in the referees’ reports and put in
sealed and signed envelopes. Referees’ reports can be either part of application for admission package
or sent directly to:
Director of Postgraduate Studies
University of Dr es Salaam
P.O.Box 35091
Actual enrolment of the successful candidates will be consequent upon ability to pay the required
studentship fees either directly by the candidate or by the candidate's sponsor. In either case
documentary evidence will have to be produced as proof of sponsorship.
The cost of postgraduate studies at the University of Dar es Salaam is considerably lower than other
institutions in the region. Total fees per annum excluding living and incidental expenses are as
Applicable fees for Tanzanian Students
1. Application fee (T.Shs.)
Application fee for Masters and Postgraduate Diploma candidates 20,000
Application fee for PhD candidates 30,000
2. Tuition fees for Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social Sciences (except Economics),
Programmes in the School of Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS, CoET, (except
Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Telecommunication Engineering)
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, and UDBS 1,947,500
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly Faculty of Law), CoICT, and
Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Telecom. Engineering programmes
3. Tuition Fees for Masters by Coursework and Dissertation Programmes
Cluster Programme First Year Subsequent Years
6 months 12 months
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social Sciences
(except Economics), Programmes in the School of
Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS, Engineering, (except
Computer Engineering and Information Technology,
Telecommunication Engineering)
1,577,500 1,302,500 1,752,500
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences,
UDBS and Economics, IMS and Master of Integrated
Environmental Management (MIEM)
1,877,500 1,452,500 2,052,500
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly Faculty
of Law), CoICT, and Computer Engineering &
Information Technology, Telecom. Engineering
2,477,500 1,752,500 2,652,500
4. Tuition Fees for Masters by Thesis Programmes
Cluster Programme First Year Subsequent Years
6 months 12 months
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social Sciences
(except Economics), Programmes in the School of
Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS, Engineering, (except
Computer Engineering and Information Technology,
Telecommunication Engineering)
1,697,500 1,247,500 2,002,500
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences,
UDBS and Economics, IMS and Master of Integrated
Environmental Management (MIEM)
1,997,500 1,402,500 2,302,500
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly Faculty
of Law), CoICT and Computer Engineering &
Information Technology, Telecom. Engineering
2,597,500 1,702,500 2,902,500
5. Tuition fees for Ph. D. By Coursework and Dissertation Programmes
Cluster Programme First Year Subsequent Years
2nd and 3rd
Final Year
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social Sciences
(except Economics), Programmes in the School of
Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS, Engineering, (except
Computer Engineering and Information Technology,
Telecommunication Engineering)
2,147,500 1,952,500 2,402,500
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Natural and Applied
Sciences, UDBS and Economics, and IMS
2,347,500 2,152,500 2,602,500
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly Faculty
of Law), CoICT, and Computer Engineering &
Information Technology, Telecom. Engineering
2,747,500 2,552,500 3,002,500
6. Tuition Fees for Ph. D. By Thesis Programmes
Cluster Programme First Year Subsequent Years
2nd and 3rd
Final Year
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social Sciences
(except Economics), Programmes in the School of
Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS, Engineering, (except
Computer Engineering and Information Technology,
Telecommunication Engineering)
2,497,500 2,302,500 3,102,500
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Natural and Applied
Sciences, UDBS and Economics, and IMS
2,397,500 2,202,500 3,002,500
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly Faculty of
Law), CoICT and Computer Engineering & Information
Technology, Telecom. Engineering programmes
2,797,500 2,602,500 3,402,500
7. Research Funds
Cluster Research Fields Programmes By
By Thesis
Masters 1,000,000 3,000,000
Cluster I All research activities in fields of Arts and
Humanities including programmes offered by the
College of Arts and Social Sciences, School of
Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS, Business School,
School of Law, Engineering (except
Telecommunication Engineering, Computer
Engineering and Information Technology), and
Master of Integrated Environment Management
Ph. D 4,000,000 5,000,000
Masters 3,000,000 5,000,000
Cluster II All research activities in fields of Natural and Pure
Sciences including programmes offered by the
College of Natural and Applied Sciences, CoICT,
IMS and Telecommunication Engineering, Computer
Engineering and Information Technology
Ph. D 6,000,000 7,000,000
8. Direct Students Costs for Tanzanians
DESCRIPTION Postgraduate
Masters by
by Thesis
Ph. D by
Ph. D by
Stationary 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Books 350,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000
Thesis Production 0 250,000 300,000 400,000 500,000
Training/ Research
Paper/ Teaching
Practice for
Postgraduate Diploma
500,000 0 0 0 0
Stipend 3,600,000 3,600,000 3,600,000 3,600,000 3,600,000
TOTAL 4,500,000 4,350,000 4,400,000 4,500,000 4,600,000
Please note that student stipend is calculated on the basis of 300,000/ per month. This is a minimum living cost
and therefore sponsors may raise the allowances.
Applicable Fees for Non-Tanzanian Students
1. Application Fee (US $)
US $
Application fee for Masters and Postgraduate Diploma candidates 20
Application fee for Ph. D. candidates 30
2. Tuition Fees for Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
Cluster Programme Fee
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social Sciences (except Economics),
Programmes in the School of Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS, CoET, (except
Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Telecommunication
US $ 2,449
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, and UDBS US $ 2,952
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly Faculty of Law), CoICT, and
Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Telecom. Engineering
US $ 3,956
3. Tuition Fees for Masters by Coursework and Dissertation Programmes
Cluster Programme First Year Subsequent Years
6 months 12 months
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social
Sciences (except Economics), Programmes in the
School of Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS,
Engineering, (except Computer Engineering and
Information Technology, Telecommunication
US $ 2446
US $ 2622
US $ 3374
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Natural and Applied
Sciences, UDBS and Economics, IMS and Master of
Integrated Environmental Management (MIEM)
US $ 2,950
US $ 2,874
US $ 3,877
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly
Faculty of Law), CoICT, and Computer
Engineering & Information Technology, Telecom.
Engineering programmes
US $ 3953
US $ 3,375
US $ 4,881
4. Tuition Fees for Masters by Thesis Programmes
Cluster Programme First Year Subsequent Years
6 months 12 months
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social
Sciences (except Economics), Programmes in the
School of Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS,
Engineering, (except Computer Engineering and
Information Technology, Telecommunication
US $ 3,849 US $ 3,272
US $ 4,024
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Natural and Applied
Sciences, UDBS and Economics, IMS and Master
of Integrated Environmental Management (MIEM)
US $ 4,352
US $ 3,523
US $ 4,527
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly
Faculty of Law), CoICT and Computer
Engineering & Information Technology, Telecom.
Engineering programmes
US$ 4,356 US $ 4025
US $ 5,531
5. Tuition Fees for Ph. D. by Coursework and Dissertation Programmes
Cluster Programme First Year Subsequent Years
2nd & 3rd
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social
Sciences (except Economics), Programmes in the
School of Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS,
Engineering, (except Computer Engineering and
Information Technology, Telecommunication
US $ 5,949 US $ 4,824
US $ 6,324
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Natural and Applied
Sciences, UDBS and Economics, and IMS
US $ 6,452 US $ 5,327
US $ 6,827
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly Faculty
of Law), CoICT, and Computer Engineering &
Information Technology, Telecom. Engineering
US $ 7,456 US $ 6,331
US $ 7,831
6. Tuition Fees for Ph. D. by Thesis Programmes
Cluster Programme First Year Subsequent Years
2nd & 3rd
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social
Sciences (except Economics), Programmes in the
School of Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS, IDS,
Engineering, (except Computer Engineering and
Information Technology, Telecommunication
US $ 5,949
US $ 4,824
US $ 6,824
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Science. UDBS, and
Economics, and IMS
US $ 6,452 US $ 5,327
US $ 7,327
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly
Faculty of Law), CoICT, and Computer
Engineering & Information Technology, Telecom.
Engineering programmes
US $ 7,456
US $ 6,331
US $ 8,881
7. Research Funds
Cluster Research Fields Program
By Thesis
Masters US $ 1000 US $ 2500
Cluster I All research activities in fields of Arts and
Humanities including programmes offered by the
College of Arts and Social Sciences, School of
Education, SJMC, IRA, IDS, IKS, Business
School, School of Law, Engineering (except
Telecommunication Engineering, Computer
Engineering and Information Technology), and
Master of Integrated Environment Management
Ph. D US $ 4000 US $ 5000
Masters US $ 3000 US $ 4000
Cluster II
All research activities in fields of Natural and Pure
Sciences including programmes offered by the
College of Natural and Applied Sciences, CoICT,
IMS and Telecommunication Engineering,
Computer Engineering and Information
Ph. D US $ 6000 US $ 7000
Note: The research funds indicated are minimum. Sponsors may raise the amount.
Short Term and Occasional Students
1. Tuition Fee
Cluster Programme Fee per Course
Registered per
Semester Fee
Cluster 1 Programmes in the College of Arts and Social Sciences (except
Economics), Programmes in the School of Education, SJMC, IRA, IKS,
IDS, CoET, (except Computer Engineering and Information
Technology, Telecommunication Engineering).
US $ 100
Cluster 2 Programs in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Environment
Health Sciences, Commerce and Economics and Master of Integrated
Environment management (MIEM).
US $ 150
Cluster 3 Programmes in the School of Law (Formerly Faculty of Law), CoICT,
and Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Telecom.
Engineering programmes
US $ 230
2. Direct Students Cost for Non Tanzanias
DESCRIPTION Postgraduate
(US $)
Masters by
Coursework and
Dissertation (US $)
by Thesis
(US $)
Ph. D by
(US $)
Ph. D by
(US $)
Stationary 100 150 150 150 150
Books 300 400 400 600 600
Thesis Production 0 300 300 400 500
Training/ Research
Paper/ Teaching
Practice for
Diploma Students
500 0 0 0 0
Stipend 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600
TOTAL 4,500 5,950 7,450 8,750 9,850
Please note that student stipend is calculated on the basis of US $ 300 per month. This is a minimum
living cost and therefore sponsors may raise the allowances.
Page 1 of 4
Directorate of Postgraduate Studies
To be filled in triplicate and sent to the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, University of Dar es Salaam.
Academic Year for which Admission is being sought (e.g. 2011/2012) …………………...……………
In the table below, enter the programme you are applying for.
College / School / Institute Full Name of the Programme applied for
Programme mode
(Tick one) Regular …. Evening …. Online: …… Other (Specify)…………..…………...
Non refundable application fees:
(i) T.shs 20,000/= for Tanzanians applying for admission into Postgraduate Diploma and Masters Programmes.
(ii) US $ 20.00 for Non Tanzanians applying for admission into Postgraduate Diploma and Masters Programmes.
(iii) T.shs 30,000/= for Tanzanians applying for admission into Ph.D. Programmes.
(iv) US $ 30.00 for Non Tanzanians applying for admission into Ph.D. Programmes.
All application fees should be paid through the bank as follows: Bank name: NBC Bank, Mlimani Branch.
A/C Name: University of Dar es Salaam. A/C Number: 040103001709.
► Read ALL the instructions carefully.
► Fill in the application form and sign it.
► Attachments to the application form.
(i) Three letters of recommendation (sealed and signed).
(ii) Copies of Secondary School Certificates.
(iii) Copy of Birth Certificate.
Copies of Diploma / Advanced Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma Degree Academic Transcripts and
Certificates. Successful applicants will be required to bring the originals for verification at the time
of registration.
(v) CV detailing employment and self-employment experience.
(vi) Brief Statement of Purpose for pursuing the postgraduate programme (maximum 1 page).
(vii) Two passport-size Black & White photographs (with your name written at the back).
(viii) An original receipt (Bank Pay-in-Slip) indicating payment of the non-refundable admission fee.
(ix) Evidence of sponsorship (or self sponsored).
(x) A letter from employer indicating willingness to release you if admitted (if employed).
Received on ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Comments of the College / School / Institute Higher Degrees Committee
Affix two stamp
size Black & White
Page 2 of 4
Admit?: Yes [ ] No [ ]
Data And Research Enterprises[DARE] Tanzania is the fast growing company in the field of social,economic and health Research. DARE Tanzania focus poverty reduction through research and it deals with consultancy,advocacy and training on project/seminars/proposal/journals/data collection/data management/data analysis
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Dayna:Kukubali au kukataa ni uamuzi wako!!!!!!!! | Send to a friend |
Saturday, 19 March 2011 12:20 |
0diggsdigg Na Julieth KulangwaWASANII wa kike wanalalamikia kutakwa kimapenzi pale wanapohitaji msaada wowote wa kikazi, lakini Dayna anasema kukubali au kukataa ni jambo lililo ndani ya uwezo wa yule anayeombwa penzi.Dayna ambaye jina lake halisi ni Mwanaisha Said anasema suala hilo lilikuwepo tangu enzi na haliwezi kukoma kamwe, kinachotakiwa ni kwa mwanamke kuwa na busara na kujua siku zote atakuatana na viumbe hawa wakiwa na ombi hilohilo. Akiwa na wimbo wake mpya redio na kideoni uitwao Fimbo ya Mapenzi anasema kuwa hata yeye amepambana sana kufikia hapo alipo sasa, kwani wanaume wa aina hii amekutana nao lakini siku zote alijua nini alikuwa akitaka. "Unajua kuna mwanamume mwingine ukimfuata na kumweleza nia yako, yeye moja kwa moja akili yake inamtuma kuwa unamtaka kimapenzi la yeye ataanzisha biashara za hivyo, Sasa ndugu yangu kwa mwendo huu mwisho wa siku utajikuta unaingia kwenye biashara nyingine na kusahau kilichokupeleka pale," alisema Dayna. |
JK naye 'ampiga kufuli' Magufuli | Send to a friend |
Monday, 21 March 2011 21:14 |
0diggsdigg Sadick Mtulya na Gedius Rwiza RAIS Jakaya Kikwete amemuagiza Waziri wa Ujenzi, Dk John Magufuli kuzingatia utu pamoja na historia ya eneo husika wakati wa utekelezaji wa bomoabomoa kwenye hifadhi ya barabara nchi nzima.Pia, amemuagiza Dk Magufuli kuwalipa wote wanaostahili fidia na kwamba wasiangalie tu mazingira ambayo yataepusha mzigo wa gharama kwa Serikali.Kauli hiyo ya Rais Kikwete imekuja siku chache baada Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda kusimamisha bomoabomoa hiyo mpaka shauri hilo litakapoamuliwa vinginevyo na Baraza la Mawaziri. Rais Kikwete alisema hayo jana baada ya Dk Magufuli kumuomba Rais Kikwete ampe ruhusa ya kuendelea na ubomoaji huo. Jana, Rais alikutana na watendaji wa Wizara ya Ujenzi katika mfululizo wa ziara zake za kukagua utekelezaji wa maagizo yake. "Mheshimiwa Rais, niliapa kulinda sheria na Katiba ya nchi, hivyo ninaomba nipewe ruhusa kutekeleza sheria ya kubomoa nyumba zilizojengwa ndani ya hifadhi ya barabara,'' alisema Dk Magufuli.Waziri Magufuli amekuwa akisisitiza kwamba waliojenga ndani ya barabara wamevunja Sheria namba 13 ya mwaka 2007 na kwamba hawastahili kulipwa fidia. Hata hivyo, Rais Kikwete akijibu maombi hayo alisema: ''Hili naliongea kwa umakini kwani nataka nieleweke vizuri. Bomoabomoa ipo. Usilegee katika kutekeleza sheria, lakini uangalie ubinadamu katika bomoa hiyo pamoja na historia ya eneo husika. Pia muwalipe wote wanaostahiki kulipwa fidia na msiwalipe wale wasiostahiki na msiangalie unafuu wa Serikali pekee.'' Rais Kikwete alisema itakuwa ni jambo la kushangaza endapo hata vitu vya kihistoria, ikiwamo nyumba na sanaa mbalimbali ambazo zimejengwa katika hifadhi ya barabara zitabolewa.Kuhusu utu, alisema kulingana na ubinadamu, kubomoa nyumba ambayo imejengwa na kukaliwa kwa muda mrefu harakaharaka itakuwa ni kinyume na haki za binadamu... "Ikifikia hatua ni lazima nyumba hiyo ibomolewe, toeni muda wa kutosha ili wajiandae kwani kuwatoa kwa haraka itakuwa ni kinyume na haki za binadamu. Hata hivyo, Rais Kikwete aliagiza iundwe tume maalumu na ya kudumu itakayokuwa ikifuatilia hifadhi za barabara nchini kote akiwaagiza watendaji wa wizara hiyo kuwa wakali katika kusimamia fedha za miradi ya barabara na kuwataka wasiwaonee haya wanaosababisha kutokamilika au miradi kutekelezwa kinyume na makubaliano. "Pamoja na mambo mengine, endeleeni kutupia macho ya umakini. Rushwa imezidi na inasababisha kuharibika kwa barabara kutokana na kupitishwa kwa mizigo mizito kinyume na utaratibu,'' alisema. Pinda alichomwambia Magufuli Chato Machi 6, mwaka huu akihutubia wananchi katika mkutano wa hadhara mjini Chato, mkoani Kagera, Waziri Mkuu Pinda pamoja na kumsifu Dk Magufuli kwa utendaji wake, alimwagiza kusimamisha bomoabomoa zote hadi hapo Serikali itakaposema vinginevyo. Tamko la Pinda lilitokana na hatua aliyoichukua Dk Magufuli Januari 13, mwaka huu ya kutoa ilani kwa wananchi waliojenga nyumba ndani ya hifadhi ya barabara kuanza kubomoa nyumba hizo mapema na kwamba wasitegemee kulipwa fidia.Dk Magufuli pia alimtaka Meya wa Jiji la Dar es Salaam pamoja na madiwani kujipanga na kuondoa nyumba zilizo katika maeneo yaliyotengwa kwa ajili ya njia ya mabasi yaendayo kasi ili kuwawezesha makandarasi kuanza kazi hiyo. Pinda alisema kasi aliyoanza nayo Magufuli katika wizara yake mpya imeitisha Serikali... “Rais aliona kwenye barabara panalegalega na kumrudisha Magufuli kwenye wizara hiyo. Huyu Serikalini tunamwita ‘buldoza’ hata hivyo, ameanza kwa speed (kasi) kubwa na tumwemwagiza asimamishe zoezi hilo mpaka litakapojadiliwa na Baraza la Mawaziri.” Alisema baraza hilo litafanya kikao ili kuangalia upya maeneo yaliyopangwa kwa ajili ya bomoabomoa na kusema kuwa kabla ya kuruhusu kuendelea lazima wakubaliane kwanza kwenye Baraza la Mawaziri, pamoja na kutolewa elimu kwanza na akasema kuwa katika maeneo mengine bomoabomoa si lazima. Alisema bomoabomoa hiyo ambayo imezua malalamiko imesimamishwa na Serikali kwa nia ya kujipanga upya, huku akisisitiza kuwa Serikali inamwamini Waziri Magufuli kama kiongozi mwenye uwezo na ilimpa nafasi hiyo ili pia aweze kuwabana makandarasi wazembe. Kasi hiyo ya Dk Magufuli imeyakumba majengo kadhaa ya Serikali, likiwapo la Wakala wa Barabara Tanzania (Tanroads) Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam na jengo la Makao Makuu ya Shirika la Ugavi wa Umeme Tanzania (Tanesco). Hata hivyo, baadhi ya wakazi wanaoishi kandokando ya Barabara ya Ubungo Maziwa hadi Kigogo, wamefungua kesi mahakamani kupinga kubomolewa bila fidia. JK akerwa na maofisa ardhi wala rushwa Jana akiwa katika Wizara ya Ardhi, Nyumba na Makazi, Rais Kikwete amewataka watendaji wake kuwachukulia hatua maofisa ardhi wanaojihusisha na vitendo vya rushwa akisema wamekuwa chanzo cha migogoro ya ardhi. “Wizara inatakiwa kuwachukulia hatua maofisa ardhi wote wanaojihusisha na vitendo vya rushwa huku wakidiriki kuuza maeneo ya wazi na kuwadhulumu wananchi. Hakuna kumwonea mtu huruma maana wananchi wanaonewa,” alisema Rais Kikwete. Alisema hata malipo ya fidia yanatakiwa kuendana na hali halisi ya maisha na siyo kumhamisha mtu bila kumwandalia makazi ya kudumu... “Huwezi kumhamisha mtu bila kumwandalia makazi ya kudumu yanayoendana na hali ya maisha ya sasa, vinginevyo hakuna haja ya kumwondoa katika makazi yake. Tunatakiwa kutumia ubinadamu.” Aliitaka Wizara kuorodhesha halmashauri zinazoongoza kwa migogoro ya ardhi ili kuona chanzo cha migogoro na kuwachukulia hatua maofisa wote wa ardhi wanaokiuka taratibu.Pia alilitaka Shirika la Nyumba la Taifa (NHC) kupunguza gharama za kodi kwenye nyumba zake na kuhakikisha majengo yao yanaboreshwa ili wanaopanga katika nyumba hizo waishi katika hali ya usafi. “Ukweli ni kwamba gharama zenu zinatisha mtu wa kawaida. Mwenye kipato cha chini hawezi kupanga nyumba zenu. Mnatakiwa kupunguza gharama hizo ili kuwawezesha wananchi kumudu gharama hizo vinginevyo wengi watazikimbia,” alisema Rais Kikwete. |
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